Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I hear thunder off in the distance, a few bursts, and then silence surrounds me again. I sit alone, waiting for the door to open. I half expect to hear your footsteps, to see you coming through the door. I know you will not arrive, yet I cannot help myself. I stare aimlessly at the wall. My thoughts are a whirlwind; images and moments of you and me, come and go, some dwindle for a instant longer than they should. I don’t blink, my eyes almost begin to tear, yet I refocus. The desk in front of me holds a picture of you; you are smiling, your gaze cuts through the glass, straight into my soul. I know the shirt you are wearing, it was left behind. I have it among my possessions, providence or coincidence? Does it matter? I think back on those moments, all the smiles you brought to my lips, and the tears that sprung from my eyes. There were always many more of the former, yet …
Thunder break through my thoughts. The windows need to be closed. Sometimes I wish a river would just wash the house away, and take us into oblivion. The rain has started, I hear it on the tin roof… not a neat pitter-patter, but a full roar from the constant curtain of water. The intensity augments, I feel the noise envelop me, I look around and my eyes find the picture once more.
There you are looking back at me, with that smile, the expression I grew accustomed to. Where could you be now? Would you be sharing a bed? Would you still feel the absence as acutely as I do? I still cannot fathom the silence in the house nor he chill in the bed. The creaking of the rafters to reveal no-one and nothing will keep me awake at night.
The rain has ceased, and all that is left of the symphony are the last drops falling on the rooftop. Those last drops, who fall after the others have long gone. The arhythmic sounds above me lead me absentmindedly to the bed. Plitter, I feel the darkness of the hall, the stone floors are cold against my bare feet, plat, the door creakes as I open it, plup, the empty bed, untouched since last night, plick, oh, put on my pajamas, tick, lay down, tock, sleep, come to me. Bong! Bong! Bong!


Blogger vicz@p said...

I know the shirt you are wearing, it was left behind. I have it among my possessions, providence or coincidence?

Are you talking about the photo in the beach? If that is correct, I may know of what shirt are you talking about.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 10:38:00 AM CST  

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